Saturday, July 26, 2008

A View from the front row...

It has been three weeks since Rae Rae completed her role as Gretl in The Sound of Music. I think it has probably taken all three of those weeks for our family to recover, especially Rae Rae. Up later for over a week, change in schedule, eating on the run, always on the took a toll on all of us. And during all of the months leading up to the show and especially the week just prior, I had some serious doubts if this was worth it. But that all changed the moment the curtain went up on opening night. I learned a lot about my iittle girl that night and I learned a lot about myself, too.

Sitting down front and waiting for the show to begin I was nervous and a bit fearful. I was in protection mode and my little girl was about to do something that was pretty big for a 5 year old. I knew she was well prepared with her lines and songs and dances. Heck, I had heard those songs and lines enough over the last two months to get up there and sing them myself even though nobody would care to hear my rendition.

What I learned about Rae Rae that night was just how determined she was. It was amazing to see such a small little girl take something so seriously and see the fruit of her labor in doing so. She spent countless hours preparing herself for this moment and I couldn't have been more proud of her. I learned that my daughter could do anything she wanted to, no matter how big or small, as long as she gave it her very best. The rest of the cast was great but I have to admit that I didn't pay too much atention to them. Rae Rae let her light shine bright that first night and the second one was even better!

What I learned about myself was just how big of a sap I really am. Every time Rae Rae would speak or sing I would lose it. You guys know the tears I'm talking about, right? That feeling that everything you've done as a parent and all the hard work and time spent teaching and correcting and loving has brought you to this very moment. And all you can do is take it in and savor the moment as the joy you feel inside seems to pour right out of you....literally right out my eyes and down my cheeks. Nothing in life worth having comes easily. Being a parent is certainlly not always easy but moments like these make you forget about all the challenges you may have faced. Those of you who know Rae Rae probably know how stuborn and determined she is. But sitting there watching her I realized that those same qualities that I have always seen as negative can truly be turned into something good. And while I know that I will face many more times of trial as she grows, I am convinced that these same aspects of her personality will make her a strong woman who knows no bounds when it comes to her ability to do things.

Rae Rae gave me the best gift in the world those nights on stage! I am so prould of her....and no matter how old she gets or what other rolse she may play, she will always be my little Gretl.



Unknown said...

gosh lil buddy...your getting to big:'(

-big buddy

Unknown said...

your sooo big lil buddy :'(...i remember when you we're tirzah's age

-big buddy (mariah)